
Welcome back to my second post for the SLAE certification. Today we are going to build a reverse_shell shellcode and [...]

9. October 2017

After gaining my OSCP in June I decided to go deeper into exploitDev and shellcoding. And here we are, this [...]

9. October 2017

Every day, millions of people become victims of cybercrime. These are usually not targeted by professional hackers, but fall victim [...]

3. October 2017

Today I would like to share my experience with OSCP from the guys at Offensive Security. Why OSCP? There are [...]

11. August 2017

UK – German Cyber-Security Forum On 26.07.2017, the second Cyber-Security Forum of the British Consulate and the Munich Security Network [...]

30. July 2017

Almost every day, users become victims of so-called phishing emails. Therefore, in this short post, I would like to point [...]

14. July 2017

  “Who owns my data?” On 29.06.2017, a series of lectures on the above topic was held at the entrepreneurial [...]

13. July 2017

We are safe because we have a virus scanner and a firewall! This statement is often the first to fall [...]

11. July 2017

WordPress is still the tool of choice, especially for newbies, to quickly create a respectable website. All nice KlickiBunti, so [...]

26. June 2017

The best security measures are useless if weak credentials are chosen. This raises two essential questions, which I would like [...]

26. June 2017