
An emergency and what to do now? Emergency cards give us a guideline in uncertain or critical situations. HanseSecure’s IT [...]

25. March 2024

At a time when digital threats and cyber attacks are on the rise, the role of the Chief Information Security [...]

15. March 2024

Proxy servers act as intermediaries between clients and servers, improving security, optimizing performance and enabling efficient use of resources. There [...]

15. February 2024

Christmas, BlackFriday, Summer Sale,… Every year there are periods when special offers are put online. This offers everyone the opportunity [...]

23. November 2022

Ihm seien verdächtige Überweisungen aufgefallen. Er fragt, ob er sie stoppen soll. Sie bejahen es und geben zur Identifikation Ihrer [...]

23. March 2022

In the past few weeks, I have created a number of webinars and documents that can help companies and possibly [...]

9. May 2020

The number of cyberattacks, the damage they cause, and the professionalism of the perpetrators continues to grow. Therefore, the security [...]

14. April 2020

The tiresome topic of passwords and their management. I am always asked how to solve this problem. Therefore, I decided [...]

8. January 2018

Every day, millions of people become victims of cybercrime. These are usually not targeted by professional hackers, but fall victim [...]

3. October 2017

Almost every day, users become victims of so-called phishing emails. Therefore, in this short post, I would like to point [...]

14. July 2017