HowTo: MSF-Email

This is just another very short usage guide for one of my little helper for pentesters and the like. During some assessments with social engineering i want to get informed by my server, if a session is opened. After some time of research i didn’t find any good solution in the internet, so i decided […]

HowTo: ExploitDev Fuzzing

This is a short usage guide which should explain my simple wrapper for the spike fuzzer, which you can find here. For this example i used the well known vulnserver 😉 0x01 Determine possible commands A simple nc && HELP command revealing all possible commands. 0x02 Create Text File containing commands Just Copy&Paste 😉 0x03 Fire […]

Offensive Security Certified Expert && me

As promised on Twitter here is my OSCE review. You can read my time line from before course enrolling until the end of the exam here. So, let’s go. Stage_0: Preparation just before enrolling! First, I read a ton of other reviews to get an idea about the course and the exam. There is nothing […]

CVE-2009-1437: RCE in CoolPlayer+ <= 2.19.6 (Windows 10 Pro)

While doing my preperation for the OSCE i found an exploit for the coolpalyer+ version 2.19.1 from 2009. I decided to check this vulnerability in the recent software version (2.19.6) on my Windows 10 machine. The following post descripes the exploit development. 1. Create PoC I created a small python script, which creates a .m3u file […]

Florian Hansemann als Experte bei der IHK München

Am 27.02.2018 zwischen 13 und 16 Uhr bietet die IHK München zusammen mit Experten aus dem Bereich Informationssicherheit eine Gesprächsrunde für Unternehmen an. Diese können hier vertraulich über die Herausforderungen zur IT-Sicherheit in ihrem Unternehmen sprechen. Ich stelle mich hierbei allen Fragen von der konzeptionellen bis hin zur technischen Informationssicherheit und hoffe dem einem oder […]

Schluss mit (Passwörter-) Chaos!

Das leidige Thema Passwörter und deren Verwaltung. Ich werde immer wieder gefragt, wie man dieses Problem lösen kann. Daher habe ich mich entschieden, einen kurzen Guide für KeePass zu verfassen. Also los geht’s 😉 #1 Installation und Erster Start Zunächst besorgt man sich die entsprechende Software beim offiziellen Hersteller und kann sich hier für die […]

SLAE Assignment #7 | Custom Cryptor

The last post for my SLAE certification is about encryption of shellcode. As usual you can find all my files on github. Nothing special in place. Pick your favourit Shellcode Use my custom AES encrypter Insert the encrypted Shellcode and secret AES key into the decrypter Test the decrypted Shellcode in our skeleton shellcode.c file […]

SLAE Assignment #6 | Polymorphing Shellcodes

This task (pick up 3 shellcodes from Shell-Storm and use polymorphism to beat pattern matching) sounds really sophisticated but you will see it’s a very handy way for AV evasion for your shellcode. Check my github account for the files. We have to pick three random shellcodes from shell-storm. /bin/sh /bin/sh -c „ping localhost“ chmod […]

SLAE Assignment #5 | Analyze Metasploit Payloads

Got time to read? This tasks was a bigger one. We have to pick 3 random metasploit payloads and analyze their shellcode. After building bind and reverse shell in the first two posts i choosed the following (check all files on my github account): Exec whoami Readfile Adduser Exec whoami First I generated my shellcode […]

SLAE Assignment #4 | Custom Shellcode Encoder

Hey ho, it’s time for some low-level shellcode encoding. After going through the encoder examples of the SLAE material i build a custom one, which you can find here. At first i wrote a little python script which takes every single byte of a given shellcode and subtracts a random integer from it. In the […]