
While doing my preperation for the OSCE i found an exploit for the coolpalyer+ version 2.19.1 from 2009. I decided to [...]

19. Februar 2018

Am 27.02.2018 zwischen 13 und 16 Uhr bietet die IHK München zusammen mit Experten aus dem Bereich Informationssicherheit eine Gesprächsrunde [...]

7. Februar 2018

Das leidige Thema Passwörter und deren Verwaltung. Ich werde immer wieder gefragt, wie man dieses Problem lösen kann. Daher habe [...]

8. Januar 2018

The last post for my SLAE certification is about encryption of shellcode. As usual you can find all my files [...]

23. November 2017

This task (pick up 3 shellcodes from Shell-Storm and use polymorphism to beat pattern matching) sounds really sophisticated but you [...]

10. Oktober 2017

Got time to read? This tasks was a bigger one. We have to pick 3 random metasploit payloads and analyze [...]

9. Oktober 2017

Hey ho, it’s time for some low-level shellcode encoding. After going through the encoder examples of the SLAE material i [...]

9. Oktober 2017

Ready for the next level? – Method to exploit software even with small space for shellcode: EggHunting The third task [...]

9. Oktober 2017

Welcome back to my second post for the SLAE certification. Today we are going to build a reverse_shell shellcode and [...]

9. Oktober 2017

After gaining my OSCP in June i decided to go deeper into exploitDev and shellcoding. And here we are, this [...]

9. Oktober 2017